Guns are too readily available in this country. Isn’t it weird that you can purchase a gun in the same place you shop for groceries? Lunchables serves kids a fun, healthy lunch and it’s time for the brand to send a message to other brands, parents, and politicians that they don’t want their product to be on the same menu as guns.
Lunch and guns don’t mix
the exit strategy
We believe that lunch and guns should never mix. That’s why we’re pulling Lunchables products from all Walmarts that sell firearms.
A repurposed lunch
The Lunchables that we pull from Walmart will be donated to underfunded schools around the country.
During the back to school shopping season, we will take to social media and call out other children’s brands that are still selling their products in Walmarts with guns.
category call out
Lunch service
We’re sending lunchables with limited edition packaging to elected representatives around the country that support gun rights. The lunchable labels will include statistics and information that inform these representatives on just how serious and prevalent gun violence is in America.
AD: Carly Taylor