In a world that prides itself in hardness, it will have you believing that being soft is a weakness. But at Wonder Bread, we take pride in embracing the softer side of life and it’s what has kept us going for over 100 years. The world may be toast, but we dare you to be soft.
Wonder Bread
Dare to be soft

Soft Zones
We’re living in an age of hustle culture where it’s go hard or go home, but what about the moments where you need to go soft? we are implementing soft zones that allow people to be soft in settings where embracing your mushy side is typically seen as a weakness.
Mushy Gainz
At the gym, people pride themselves on lifting the heaviest weights possible. But some days, breezing through a workout with no judgement is the main goal. That’s why we’re implementing soft zones in gyms fully equipped with treadmills that don’t go faster than 2 mph, benches rigged with pillows and blankets, and weights that only go up to 2 pounds.
Me time
No matter where you work, we all have bouts of crying and sleeping that can’t be ignored. So we’re setting up workplace soft zones equipped with nap pods, TV’s, adult coloring books, and lots and lots of tissues.
Smooth Landings
At skateparks, safety is constantly overshadowed by an aesthetic of looking cool. That’s why we’re establishing skatepark soft zones outfitted with helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, and crash pads shaped like our fluffy and delicious bread.
Soft Ones
Wrestlers are known to be some of the hardest and toughest athletes on the planet. To crack these infamously hard shells, we’re tapping into their softer sides with a limited edition Instagram and Snapchat series called Soft Ones. Here, famous wrestlers will cook their favorite recipe with Wonder Bread while answering questions about their softer moments in life.
HOST: Miz, As the only WWE athlete to win a Triple Crown and Grand Slam championship, what’s the toughest thing you’ve ever done?
THE MIZ: You know it’s funny, I’ve been wrestling for so long you’d think my toughest experience would have come in the ring. But actually, the hardest thing I’ve ever done is become a father. A Leg Drop or Ankle Lock doesn’t hold a candle to raising two little girls.
Talk Soft
As a way for people to explore the depths of their softness, we’re partnering with Talkspace. Just scan the QR code on your Wonder Bread loaf and get a free 1 month membership to Talkspace. Now you can talk through embracing your soft side with a licensed professional.
wonder Bread Softline
There are certain moments in life when you need specific reasons and encouragement to be soft. That’s why we’re releasing Soft Reminders - a text hotline that gives you affirmation and assistance in being the softest person you can be.
wonderfully soft tissues
Sometimes a good cry can make all the difference. We are partnering with Kleenex to bring you the freshest tissues around. Make sure you get a good whiff, each Kleenex is scented with the smell of a freshly baked loaf of Wonder Bread. Find them for a limited time in sports illustrated issues across the country.
AD: Morgan Garces